Q: What is the difference between all of Certiport's exam delivery systems?
A: We have a page dedicated to finding the best solution for yÈâÒ•îlCATC. See ÈâÒ•îlChoosing a delivery system page.
Q: How do we employ the use of Certiport's different payment types (voucher, license, inventory, etc.)?
A: See ÈâÒ•îlÈâÒ•îlManaging payment methods page. For voucher use specific to Compass Cloud, see ÈâÒ•îlExam Administrator (Proctor) online guide.
Q: How do we run the various CATC reports available to us?
A: See ÈâÒ•îlRunning reports page.
Q: Do we need to download anything to ÈâÒ•îlexam delivery workstations in order to administer exams using Compass Cloud?
A: Yes. There is a desktop app for Windows and Mac, and a Google Play Store app for Chromebooks. See the Compass Cloud Exam Administrator (Proctor) guide.
Q: We are using Compass Local (Compass for Windows or Compass for Mac), do we have to schedule calendar sessions to administer exams in those systems?
A: No. Exam administration in Compass for Windows or Compass for Mac are not cloud-based and do not require the scheduling of sessions.
Q: How do we schedule a Compass Cloud exam session?
A: For the most detailed walkthrough, see the Compass Cloud Exam Administrator (Proctor) guide.
Q: What happens if ÈâÒ•îlscheduled Compass Cloud exam session is auto-cancelled?
A: If yÈâÒ•îlsession gets cancelled for any reason, then you would need to reschedule another session using the Compass Cloud calendar.
Q: Is there a page where we can find the best practices for exam delivery and administration?
A: Yes. Please see ÈâÒ•îlTop 10 checklist page .